Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Chronicle Recognizes Our Greatness!

Yes, folks, our long-time rival, the NCC Chronicle has finally bowed to our popularity and overwhelming coolness by doing a snazzy full-page spread on our illustrious magazine in their most recent issure. They sent top-secret operatives to take down witty and entertaining tidbits about our meetings. They sent their sexiest photographer to capture our 3 female editors on a highly productive bathroom break. They even mentioned our blog. And if hadn't crashed and burned an untimely death almost 2 years ago, we would link to the article online.

Instead, we'll give you this. Their May 26th, 2006 article about an artist who logs into violent video games in order to type non-violent messages while the true story- the fact that the U.S. Army is using tax money to make video games in the first place- is quickly glossed over as something that some groups have "raised concern" over.

We can only hope that the January 25th issue of this campus staple reflects a new and heightened level of commitment to sophistication and intelligence. Go forth, folks, and read "Klass Klown."

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