Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Different Presidential Platform Ideas

Students who get good grades get all their expenses paid by the government. Those who get F’s due to excessive partying get fined for wasting everybody’s time.

Mandatory IQ tests for all would-be parents. Until then, all men will be in chastity belts from ages 12-20 when they can start testing to be eligible for parenthood.

Mandatory fun time! Set number of hours a week when everyone must either slow down and relax or kick it up and party! This will reduce tension, disagreements, stress levels, health care costs, and the extreme crime of taking one’s self too seriously.

For every major paper or test a teacher assigns, he or she must provide treats one day for the entire class.

If I am elected, I will eliminate the minimum drinking age and all IQ tests will be performed when individuals are absolutely wasted!

I will institute a free market economy in the cafeteria; whichever food kiosk you eat at gets your flex dollars for that meal. Those who don’t get chosen get replaced.

All hail the holy Long baby!

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