Wednesday, December 19, 2007


To initiate newb losers into the Wiidom revealed by the wiilease of our new advice column, we here at the Kindling have generously complied a wiicabulary of essential words that all wiicruits need to know. Warning, improper use of these terms around wiiligious followers will result in the wiitard designation of “l0s3r sux0r n00b.”

* Chwiistmas: November 19, 2006

* Desert Wiigle: just think of your wiimote in this fashion and it will all be a lot more fun

* hiihii: the manner in which one giggles in wiiality and the Wiipublic

* Nintendo Thwii: hypothetical name for Nintendo's 7th generation console.

PSWii: 1)The console Sony wished they created 2) the name that should have been given to PS3 when they stole the idea of motion-sensitive controllers from Nintendo

* wiiality: the state of existance imposed on an individual while playing Nintendo Wii

* wiicruit: an individual who has given their gaming devotion to Nintendo Wii, especially in cases in which the individual in question was not previously a fan of Nintendo.

* wiid: highly addictive substance housed within the Nintendo Wii. The cause of gaming addiction in the Wiipublic.

* wiideologist: a believer in wiideology

* wiideology: the basic concept behind the Nintendo Wii (funner gaming for a cheaper price)

* The Wiiformation: the change in gaming initiated by the Wiivolution

* wiiformist: one who knows the Nintendo Wii will revolutionize gaming and an active member of the Wiiformation

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: exclamitory remark expressing delight somehow derived from Nintendo Wii

* Wiiligion: religious affiliation in which one's central figure of reverance is the Nintendo Wii and official faith of the Wiipublic

* wiiligious: the manifestation of devout faith in Wiiligion

* The Wiipublic: gaming nation formed because of the Wiivolution and to be presided over by none other than Nintendo Wii. However, the nature its government will resemble more of a dictatorship than of a democracy.

* wiisel: one who questions the gaming prowess of the Wii

* Wiitaliano: official language of the Wiipublic

wiitard: Someone who does something incredibly stupid for Nintendo Wii (like... camping outside of Target for 25 hours in the high winds and snow the weekend before finals...)

* wiithdrawl: the state in which one's sanity is dependant upon owning and/or playing a Nintendo Wii

* The Wiither: a subdivision of Heaven where dead gamers live in paradise by playing Nintendo Wii.

The Wiivolution: The gaming revolution initiated by Nintendo Wii


Anonymous said...

i don't get it...

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the Wii. Thanks for the list of relevant Wii terminology. May I use your definition of wiiligion on my own site?

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the Wii. Thanks for the list of relevant Wii terminology. May I use your definition of wiiligion on my own site?